A breakfast Adventure!

So I always see a lot of clean eaters coming up with these awesome ways to jazz up their food. I don’t have that “creative with food” gene so I usually stick with the typical oatmeal,egg whites, and fruit for breakfast and chicken/fish with brown rice and a veggie for lunch/dinner. Nothin fancy about my food. This morning I felt inspired, partly by being tired of sitting in bed. I decided to try and make some protein pancakes and I must say that they are pretty tasty!! They’re not pretty at all and there are definitely some improvements to be made but it’s a good start!

1/2 cup oats
1 large egg white
1 large egg
1scoop of whey protein(I used muscle milk vanilla)
1/4 tsp of almond extract(I used vanilla)
1/4 cup almond milk

-and some other things for the icing that I didn’t make. I used powdered sugar instead of the icing just because that’s how I usually eat my pancakes.

Full recipe and directions can be found at www. Rippedrecipes.com

Now don’t judge they don’t look that great but I promise they taste good!


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