Stop falling for the fitness lies!


Literally every single time I get on Pinterest or Instagram I see all of these pictures of skinny white girls with nice butts/abs with captions like “Do this routine everyday for 5 minutes to look like this”. And over and over again I see people pinning this stuff and wasting their time! Let me just clear up one thing….THE GIRLS IN THE PICTURES DID NOT DO 500 SQUATS EVERYDAY FOR A WEEK TO LOOK LIKE THAT! Having achieved the type of physique that a lot of people are looking for (I’m not bragging it’s a just a fact) I can tell you that not one day in my life have I ever done one of those “30 day squat challenges” or “Brazilian butt workout”. I think what sells most women on these little workouts are that they come across as a quick and easy way to get bikini ready. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. If you want a butt worth mentioning you better squat. You want abs, you better stop dirty forking, and if you want “toned” arms you better go lift some weights. Nothing worth having comes easy and trying to find the easy way out is a sure way to not see progress. As the saying goes, “don’t be disappointed by the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do”.