Preparing for the next stage in life!

Getting ready to begin the next chapter of my life! I FINALLY get to go to “real college”!!! I spent my freshman year locked down on a military base and my sophomore year at home so even though I am a junior I have never had the opportunity to experience campus life at a university. So as you can imagine I am really really excited!!

Even with all of my excitement I can’t help but worry that I will lose myself again. Living for Christ as a 20 year old college student is about as against the grain as it gets. I can’t help but to look back on what my life was like before Christ. TERRIBLE. I was a hot flaming mess of brokenness. I was caught up in a terrible downward spiral that neither myself or my family knew how to get me out of. I realized that something was really really wrong when I found myself in a jail cell and didn’t even care that I was there. Shortly after that, everything that was left in my life crumbled and I was left on my butt with no one to blame but myself.

I share all this to say that I fear falling back into that life. I NEVER want to be there again. For me, sharing my story keeps me from allowing the enemy to put shame and self hate into my soul. I am REDEEMED and He has set me FREE!!!

I also want to encourage anyone who thinks that they are too far gone to come back to Jesus. Exactly a year from the day I was arrested I was on a mission trip in Nicaragua doing more than I ever thought possible to show God’s love.

20140106-150305.jpgGod displays his strength in our weaknesses. He can AND will use the most terrible of circumstances in ways that bring glory to His kingdom and bring joy to you! I pray that my rant ( this post was more for my sanity than anything else) blesses you and reminds you how awesome our God is.
