A breakfast Adventure!

So I always see a lot of clean eaters coming up with these awesome ways to jazz up their food. I don’t have that “creative with food” gene so I usually stick with the typical oatmeal,egg whites, and fruit for breakfast and chicken/fish with brown rice and a veggie for lunch/dinner. Nothin fancy about my food. This morning I felt inspired, partly by being tired of sitting in bed. I decided to try and make some protein pancakes and I must say that they are pretty tasty!! They’re not pretty at all and there are definitely some improvements to be made but it’s a good start!

1/2 cup oats
1 large egg white
1 large egg
1scoop of whey protein(I used muscle milk vanilla)
1/4 tsp of almond extract(I used vanilla)
1/4 cup almond milk

-and some other things for the icing that I didn’t make. I used powdered sugar instead of the icing just because that’s how I usually eat my pancakes.

Full recipe and directions can be found at www. Rippedrecipes.com

Now don’t judge they don’t look that great but I promise they taste good!


There is always an alternative

I LOVE RAMEN NOODLES! I cannot explain why but I could eat them every single day. I love them in the bag and I love them in the cup. Unfortunately, they’re so terrible for you. They have over a thousand milligrams of salt. And we all know that excessive salt consumption leads to a multitude of illnesses. The first link is the nutrition facts for noddles in the bag…but that’s only if you only eat half the block! The bottom link is the nutrition label for cup o noodles. Terrible right?!?!



I’m all about enjoying food so I’ve been slowly switching out the things i love for healthier cleaner options. I found some chicken and vegetable soup from the Dekalb Farmers Market and it is very comparable to chicken flavored noodles. The flavor is the broth was a little lacking but I added just a little Cajun seasoning and it turned out great!!


Stop falling for the fitness lies!


Literally every single time I get on Pinterest or Instagram I see all of these pictures of skinny white girls with nice butts/abs with captions like “Do this routine everyday for 5 minutes to look like this”. And over and over again I see people pinning this stuff and wasting their time! Let me just clear up one thing….THE GIRLS IN THE PICTURES DID NOT DO 500 SQUATS EVERYDAY FOR A WEEK TO LOOK LIKE THAT! Having achieved the type of physique that a lot of people are looking for (I’m not bragging it’s a just a fact) I can tell you that not one day in my life have I ever done one of those “30 day squat challenges” or “Brazilian butt workout”. I think what sells most women on these little workouts are that they come across as a quick and easy way to get bikini ready. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. If you want a butt worth mentioning you better squat. You want abs, you better stop dirty forking, and if you want “toned” arms you better go lift some weights. Nothing worth having comes easy and trying to find the easy way out is a sure way to not see progress. As the saying goes, “don’t be disappointed by the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do”.

It is a shame f…

It is a shame for a woman to grow old without ever seeing the strength & beauty of which her body is capable.

Besides pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ, fitness is most important to me.Through lifting and competing I have proven to myself that I can do pretty much anything. I am beautiful and I am strong.